Please come back at 3:50PM PDT on Friday, September 4 to join our Girl Scout Virtual Chocolate Tasting

or copy & paste this URL in your browser:

Tasting Experience Tips
  1. Interact with Friends & Family: With over 300 participants expected, the only people on screen will be our Chocolatier, our host, and our presentation.
    • *Some of our past guests actually set up FaceTime or other video methods on another device to interact with friends and family also participating in the experience
  2. Share Your Experience: We would love you to take pictures and screenshots of your experience and share on social media using #ethelmchocolates
  3. Ask Questions: Use the Q&A button during the session and we will do our best to respond to questions during and at the end of the session

**Please do not share this link as we have a limited number of seats available for the live session. If you can't make the live session, we will make a recording available on Saturday, September 5. For customer service issues, please call 1-800-438-4356 or message us on Facebook.**